The Peron Naturaliste Partnership (PNP) celebrating its fourth year as a leading group in regional coastal climate change adaptation planning and management has recently become an incorporated group. This is a milestone for the group who recognise the long-term benefits of the partnership and importance of dealing with this mater. At the inaugural Board Meeting, the Shire of Harvey Shire President Tanya Jackson was elected as interim Chairperson and City of Mandurah Councillor, Caroline Knight was elected as interim Deputy Chair.
“We want to work together and share information on what governments and organisations are doing and can do to prepare for coastal climate change impacts in our region, as well as gain further understanding of community concerns towards this”, said Tanya Jackson, newly elected interim Chair of the PNP and Shire of Harvey President.
Sea level rise, severe storm events, flooding and erosion are a few of the predicted effects of coastal climate change that coastal communities will have to face on a global scale. Indeed these impacts are already being felt internationally and locally. Local councils have begun seriously considering these impacts and are coming to terms with the scale of the situation.
The PNP has also received an Australian Coastal Award for its collaborative work in the management and implementation of coastal adaptation. The Award was announced at the Australian Coastal Councils Conference held in Victoria earlier this year.
The Australian Coastal Awards are intended to raise community awareness of the importance of the coastal zone and to encourage coastal planning and management practitioners to strive for excellence.
Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels, Chair of the Australian Coastal Councils Association who hosted the Conference, said the standard of nominations for the 2015 Australian Coastal Awards was particularly high.
To cap off a busy few months, the PNP was recently selected as one of ten local governments / business around Australia to support and provide advice to the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility during the design, implementation and delivery of the Coastal Climate Risk Management Tool. This tool will provide information and decision support to Australian coastal decision-makers and their stakeholders including the community, government officers and elected officials.